Support MAF
through me...
In order not to generate additional wage and fundraising costs by the employees and their families, each MAF employee has an individual support group.
My question to you: “Would you like to support me, my passion and the MAF in assisting people in regions that are difficult to access?” If so, I would be grateful if you could tell me in the right column with a specific amount. A specific amount is helpful for me to be able to estimate what percentage of my wage is guaranteed.
MAF Switzerland | PC 85-541047-1
IBAN: CH10 0900 0000 8554 1047 1
Note: Pascal Mühlematter
(Donations to MAF are tax deductible)
Papua New Guinea - PNG
It is understandable that the third largest island nation in the world has its challenges in the Pacific. Among the nearly seven million inhabitants and 700-1000 ethnic groups, 830 languages are spoken - depending on the counting method, this is up to 25% of the languages spoken in the world. With slightly fewer inhabitants than in Switzerland, the country is eleven times larger. Papua New Guinea has hardly any roads. Traveling for days on foot or by boat - if at all possible - is part of everyday life. The MAF flight service is indispensable for hospitals, teachers, traders and last but not least for the church.